Hoosier Tire Western Canada

World’s Largest Race Tire Manufacturer

Hoosier Tire Western Canada

Explore the Vast Range of Tires Available at Hoosier Tire Western Canada.

We provide premium-quality tires made using state-of-the-art technology and available at a rate that fits your budget. Shop Now!

Asphalt Oval

Circuit Racing

Dirt Oval


Drag Racing


Off Road


Karting / Quarter Midgets


Pro Street




Why Choose Us?

We provide premium-quality tires made using state-of-the-art technology and available at a rate that fits your budget. Shop Now!

Exclusive Range of Tires:

We’re the ideal choice for all racing enthusiasts! Hoosier Tire Western Canada is an internationally recognized race tire manufacturing company known for its wide selection of tires available at the best rates.

Exceptional Customer Service:

We strive to meet every customer’s needs and exceed their expectations by offering the best customer service. If you have any questions or feedback for us, let us know so we can do our best to serve you better.

Durable & Premium Quality Products:

We do not compromise on the quality of tires whatsoever. All our tires are made using top-quality products. Why wait, then? Contact us today!


We fuel passion, price, and success with our tires designed for champions.

Hoosier Racing Tire is the largest race tire manufacturer in the world. Hoosier has grown to produce over 1000 different types of race tires. The company has its 300-mph test wheel; a technology center; state-of-the-art, fully integrated production facilities, and a high-tech mixing plant. It has been integrated into the Continental Specialty Tire Business Unit and strives for growth domestically and internationally.

Our Tires

Are you ready to step on the top podium in victory lane? See why we are Tires Designed for Champions. View our full line of Hoosier Racing Tire apparel and shop our closeout line of tires today.